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Month: December 2020

2020 Year End Prayer Letter

It’s not imaginary.You can taste it, touch it, smell it, feel it! It is as real as your next breath. Some people call ministries like ours “faith ministries.”The truth is, anything that is not of faith is something other than ministry. I had no way of knowing in February that I would not be returning to Kenya in 2020. I had just left pastors, evangelists, and overseers who were filled with anticipation and expectation of what God was going to do in and through them in the next months.

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December 2020 Prayer Letter

“Children’s children are the crown of old men…” —Prov. 17:6Welcome to the annual Curry brag rag edition #35! Can it really be 35 years since we started this Kingdom adventure called Light Ministries? My mind has doubts, but my body sweeps those doubts away. You, our faithful friends and partners, are the reason we have been able to have such a “long obedience in the same direction.” Thank you for your partnership and love. And, thank you for loving us, the Curry family…not,...

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