Gathered and Scattered
The pastors gathered in Kitale…
To be sent out! Kitale, Kenya—City Center Church A full house! Over three hundred pastors and leaders filled the City Center Church in Kitale for two days of intense discipleship and church planting training. From across the street, to the Northern desert region of Kenya, to Uganda they came. These leaders sat under over twelve hours of teaching in two days. I doubt seriously we could see the concentration, intensity, interest and excitement recreated in any American church crowd.
These two days weren’t information for these leaders….it was revelation.
The leader partnering with our ministry have been hearing a variation of these teachings for seventeen years now. That is why
the churches we partner with have left the traditional African church model of “the pastor does it” and embraced the plurality of leadership in the New Testament model of discipleship. But the other leaders present these two days…Their eyes couldn’t have
been any bigger than when folks first figured out the Earth was not flat!
Jeff Moser’s team from Bellevue Baptist Church (Memphis) was just what the doctor (Jesus) ordered for this moment in our
training life as a ministry. I am about as far away from a “curriculum” driven preacher/ teacher as you can get. This team has been discipled by one of the most effective training churches in America for years. Same message….different message and presentation. Reinforcement is the key to getting leaders to “buy in.” This team reinforced every teaching I and our African has brought over the past years.
And based on the feedback I saw and heard…these leaders left committed to transform their traditional African
ministries into New Testament, disciple-making, multiplication based churches.

If only a fraction of those present follow through on what they heard, church life in East Africa will not be the same in five yars. The two days were a grueling schedule for both the teachers and those being taught. The potential result was worth the
Your partnership is the foundation from which we spring. Your prayers = our fuel.
By grace, your brother,
Mike Curry—President/Founder Light Ministries, Inc.