That one is so easy…I’m going to let my driver answer it. Wednesday, February 12—Light Feeding Station, Kakamega Remember the story about the speaker on the lecture circuit who got tired of hearing his own voice? One day he was talking to his driver who promptly told him what an easy job he (the expert) had. The expert turned to his driver and said, “well, if it is that easy, I’ll let you handle this one.” Then, he sat down in the back of the auditorium and listened to his driver repeat his talk verbatim.
As I finished my meetings with Madame Rebekah (overseer) and her staff, I strolled the classrooms admiring the preparation and commitment to excellence of our teachers. My finger continually pressed the photo button as the dictation began from my heart to mind. I know you are not here, maybe you will never get to be here. I try to write around the pictures and fill in the blanks for you. It is my only hope of your feeling that you are truly a part of what God is doing here.
Today’s writing task was to be easy. New desks. Bright, airy classrooms. Construction nearing completion on the new kitchen (complete with vented wood cook stoves and plentiful ventilation). Fresh paint on the walls. New uniforms in the tailor’s workshop. A new printer delivered just this week. New computers waiting to be unpacked. And something I have never seen at Light Feeding Station—a prayer list (wish list) with every item checked off! I asked Rebekah if I could have it as a souvenir. She said no, she wanted it to hang in her office. “Besides”, she said…”I have the new prayer list to put up before your team arrives next week.” I LOVE Rebekah!!
So… What to write
As I was wrapping up my visit, I called for Caleb (my new, young driver from Kisumu). Our hours together the past days taught me that not only was he born again, but he had a passion for the very type of ministry we were involved in.
I gave Caleb a tour of the feeding station along with the thumbnail version of the 17+ year history. How that all he saw came from feeding 6 children under a tree two meals per week. Today, there are six feeding stations/schools across Kenya and Tanzania feeding 1,750 children daily as well as serving as their kindergarten and sometimes their school.
Then, Caleb wrote this journal for me.
“Pastor Mike. You know you are saving these kids lives, don’t you?” As I hurried to correct him and make sure “all glory goes to God,” he held up his hand and said….”I know what I am talking about.
I am alive today because of a feeding program like this one came to my village. My parents had no money and I was put out on the streets as soon as I could walk to provide for myself. Someone fed me every day, started my education, and got me enrolled in primary school. Today, I own my own business. I am born again, married, live in my own home and have shillings in my pocket. Not only that, I get to drive one of the most important men in Kenya to do one of the most important
jobs there is in all of Kenya.”
I flinched at his flowery assessment of me and what our ministry is accomplishing. But setting his extreme compliments aside (which may have been motivated by the possibility of big, American tip), I cannot add to what Caleb said. He is alive and who is he today because someone did the most basic of things…fed, clothed, disciplined, taught, and loved him. I saw a lot of “Caleb’s” in the rear view mirror as we left Light Feeding Station today. We are making difference! You and me, joining the Father in His work here in Kakamega… making a difference indeed.
As I write, the Bellevue Baptist team under Jeff Moser’s leadership should be making their way to the Memphis airport. The have the 30 hour gruel of a trip in their windshield. Join me in praying them across “the pond.” Reinforcements will be a welcome sight for the next several days of schedule. Tomorrow I fly back to Nairobi to meet the team. Friday, we will dedicate the “Miracle in Mathare” (new school in the Mathare slum). Then, a short flight upcountry to Kitale and a week jampacked with God adventures.
Your partnership is the foundation from which we spring. Your prayers = our fuel.

By grace, your brother,
Mike Curry