Thursday, February 21, 2024—Nairobi, Kenya
God gives smiles that miles cannot erase.
I remembered a bad preacher joke just now: An old Arkansas farmer had a prize jackass that he loved to brag about. One day he told the crew at the feed store he and “Jake” were on their way to the Kentucky Derby. When the laughter died down a bit, a friend in the crowd retorted—KENTUCKY DERBY?! Why, you ain’t got no chance of winning anything there? To which the Farmer said, NO. We ain’t got a chance a’tall at winnin’ nothing in that race. But…we’re sure getting to run in some high class company.

That’s the way every time I leave a meal with our Kenyan partners. No chance of me keeping
up with the amazing way God is using them day in and day in in some of the toughest slums I have
ever seen. But, I sure get to “run in some high class company…make that, Kingdom class
Since laughter is a medicine, the six of us should pretty well be healed of whatever was ailing us
before dinner tonight. There were stories of what God did years ago. Stories of what he did in bringing
Teresa back to the table for fellowship. And best of all, there were stories about what we all expect God to continue to do in and through the ministries in the Tasia and Mathare slums (Nairobi). Our Kenyan partners think I am always trying to be humble, but I couldn’t be more serious when I tell them “I hope your guys will have us over to the mansion for dinner when we meet up in heaven.” THEN we will get the
real stories. The stories from the Father of all the evil He thwarted on our behalf, all of the provision He directed to His work through us, and how much glory He got by using such simple an unlikely servants as the crew sitting at the table tonight. Tonight was the last fellowship before the U.S. teams arrive tomorrow night. The “calm before the storm”, if you will.
As I type, the Germantown Baptist team (Memphis) should be boarding their first flight leg. Jeff Moser’s Bellevue Baptist team will be following close behind them. Bu this time tomorrow night, we should have them all loaded up in the vans and headed to our hosing for the Nairobi leg of the trip. So, that means—all those prayers you prayed for Teresa and me need to be repeated PLEASE! On-time flights. Luggage loaded and unloaded correctly. Naps in flight. Food that is edible. And the soothing, calming voice of God speaking to every team member who is anxious about what they will say and do in Africa.
To continue my folksy farmer theme tonight, the hay is in the barn. We have planned, prayed, and paid all that we can. Now, it is time to join the Father in His work here in East Africa. Once the jet touches down in Nairobi, it is game on.
Pray for Teresa tonight. I just told her that Pastor Kennedy (Mathare school/feeding station) asked me if she would handle the formal dedication of the new kitchen and office building. We will officially dedicate it Saturday. Hard to believe that we laid the cornerstone last February with the team from Great Commission Church (Olive Branch, MS). Teresa is great “up front.” But, it is not where she likes to minister from. Pray that God will fill her mouth with the words He has already put in her heart. I know she is both looking forward to the honor and dreading the pressure of speaking at such a special occasion.
There is no one better for this job than Teresa. She loves our cooks. She reminds me that those ladies sweating over those boiling pots of food are some of the most important ministry partners we have. I agree. And, I make sure that the utensils are new and the pantries are full—because God gives me favor with you and your bank accounts. The short season of rest and recovery is over tomorrow for Teresa and me. We will change locations to the retreat compound we will call home for the next several days. But tonight, as we get ready to fall asleep under our last air conditioner in Kenya, we will both smile remembering the great feast we enjoyed with such special friends.
Hey…those who picked up the bill tonight at dinner — thanks for letting us treat our Kenyan partners
as the Kingdom royalty they truly are.
REMEMBER TO PRAY! The first team is scheduled to take off from Memphis in 45 minutes
(after I press send).
Your prayers = our fuel.
By, grace, your brother,
Mike Curry
Eph. 6:19-20