Kenya Journal 6 February 2023
THE FINAL SAY – The favor of God on display in the slum schools.
Mike Curry–Kenya Journal, February 2023–Edition 6
As the Mississippi team and I walk through the narrow footpath leading to the school in Mathare, the sound of children’s voices singing greet us. “Jehovah has the final say…”, they sang. Indeed HE does!
Mike Curry–Kenya Journal, February 2023–Edition 6
When pastor Kennedy and I laid the cornerstone for the 4 story Mathare school building (several years ago), the neighbors watching said, “it will never be built.” But, Jehovah has the final say. Those neighbors were not present today at the laying of the cornerstone. Kennedy purchased their houses to provide the footprint for the new kitchen. No neighbors were casting doubts on today’s project. God’s reputation is intact in the Mathare slum. Pray, faith, and a commitment to see ministry projects to the end are an unbeatable combination.
All we did today was celebrate.
No preaching. No meetings. No training. Just celebration.
Students singing for us. Dancing for us. Reciting original poetry about their lives before God in slum. Eating…lots of eating! And now, one more mission team knows why I call it the Miracle in Mathare.
At dinner tonight, I told the team that Pastor Kennedy and Christine (Tasia slum school) would go to bed tonight with a grin on their face and a song in their heart. Jehovah has the final say.
This afternoon we visited the amazing school in Tasia. This school began as a vision in Christine’s heart.
Mike Curry–Kenya Journal, February 2023–Edition 6
financed the first school venture in Tasia a few years back. Two rented rooms and two teachers. Paid for from her meager salary at a domestic airline. As God blessed, He drew my attention to the work. You partnered with me and we helped Christine expand. Today, we saw the fruit of faith. Healthy kids. Smiling faces. Teacher’s beaming with pride as their pupils quoted their scripture memory verses. The aroma of beans and rice cooking in the kitchen. And the appropriate smile of pride from Christine over what the Lord has done. Jehovah has the final say.
A day at the slum school marks your heart and mind permanently. The Mississippi team already loved our work and ministry. Now, they will go home as eyewitnesses to what the Lord is doing. An eyewitness account is hard to refute.
Mike Curry–Kenya Journal, February 2023–Edition 6
We can’t, won’t, shouldn’t forget today. Not ever. But, the sun has gone down on the day called today. Now, it is time to focus on hearts and minds on the northern desert of Kenya and the Turkana people awaiting our arrival tomorrow.
We will need to “sleep fast.” A 4 AM wakeup call to catch our early flight upcountry. And then, a full day of encouragement, ministry, and humanitarian aid sprinkled with ample portions of the Gospel.
Lodwar and the Turkana people are my greatest challenge in Kenya. I often wonder if anything we are doing there is “working” or “right.” But, God loves the people and He has passed that love to me and our ministry. And, I don’t have much quit in me. I just believe God is going to show us how to reach these goat-herding men and add them to the desert church currently filled with women and children.
Jehovah has the final say.
I don’t take many teams to Lodwar. This God-adventure is not for the faint of heart. I believe the team will launch from the fresh faith of today into this, my greatest ministry challenge.
I hope to write you tomorrow night from the Catholic Conference center in Lodwar that will be our oasis. But, I have never had much luck with the WiFi there. We will see.
Remember…your prayers = our fuel. God is great!
By, grace, your brother,
Mike Curry
Eph. 6:19-20