Kenya Journal 4 February 2023
Doing what I was born-again to do.
Saturday, February 4, 2023—Nairobi, Kenya Airport.
I am an average administrator. I have disciplined myself to become a decent mission team leader. But, preaching…that is pure joy for me. The team and I spent the afternoon with a group of leaders from Pastor Harrison’s (Tasia slum) and Pastor Kennedy’s (Mathare slum) churches. If you can’t preach to a room full of Kenyan leaders, then you just can’t preach!
The hunger for the Word of God and spiritual guidance is palpable in these Kenyan leaders. Bibles open, notepads on knee with pens at the ready…it’s like a starting gun goes off in Heaven
when the text is read.
The Word of God never fails to produce what God intends it to produce. It certainly did not today.
The team got a taste of ministry in Kenya. I tried to tell them that this afternoon was not even a
good scrimmage compared to what is coming tomorrow morning as we experience our first Sunday
of worship with our Kenyan brothers and sisters.
Pastor Trevor and his team will cover the preaching/teaching duties at the Tasia Church in the morning. I get to preach at a new church plant in the Mathare slum. I met the pastor today for the first time. Less than two years old and they are already seeing 70 people in worship on Sundays. I can’t wait!
The evening was capped off with a wonderful buffet dinner. The team got to hear the Cliff Notes versions of Pastor Harrison and Pastor Kennedy’s God-stories of their ministries. It’s like hearing first hand testimonies from folks who were in the upper room in the Book of Acts. It stretches the mind and
swells the heart with awe and wonder. God truly is great in these men’s lives. What an honor to be yoked with such giants of the faith.
Fatigue is still a very real factor both the team and I. But, the spiritual adrenaline God loans on days like today is a double-shot expresso to the soul.
Hopefully sleep comes easy and lingers long for our weary bodies tonight. We will need more than energy drink enthusiasm to equip for the wonderful, full day of ministry ahead tomorrow. To our faithful partners who always send me with loaded pockets to bless our pastors and leaders: We did what you asked us to tonight. Fine dining with a great menu and we ordered from right to left—just as you instructed! Extravagance has the aroma of God on nights like tonight.
Have I mentioned how much I love this job of being God’s delivery boy? Our ailing team member took the day to stay back, rest and recoup. Hopefully the meds we got have begun their work. He was prayed for on both sides of the Atlantic the past 24 hours. He has the first teaching assignment in the morning. Hopefully, he will be able to answer the bell. If not.
What a great day for one of these mission rookies to get their feet wet teaching the Word of God.
The schedule is head-down, eyes on the next assignment intense for the next 8 days. Will you go ahead and pray for worship here in Kenya now. We will be finished before you start on Sunday (9 hours ahead of Central time.)
Power, provision, and protection are always a good prayer trio for mission teams.
Fatigue is a good exchange for ministry days like today. Thank God for His strength and power.
Remember…your prayers = our fuel.
God is great!
By, grace, your brother,
Mike Curry
Eph. 6:19-20